8 Calm Dog Breeds That Are Quiet and Totally Laid-Back

Posted On July 29, 2022

Chances are, you already have plenty of excitement going on at your house — not to mention in the world at large. Rambunctious kids or little ones who startle easily call for a dog that won't snap or bark when things get frenetic, and older pets, skittish cats or even elder live-in relatives all call for a pup who can let things roll right off their furry backs.

Enter these top calm dog breeds who can serve as a port in a storm. These easy-going pups are well-behaved and mostly enjoy taking a nice nap. They are adaptable, highly trainable and friendly (although some of them prefer one-on-one time with their owners vs. a large group).

When looking to adopt any new furry family member, it's always best to take stock of your household first. Not every pet is the right fit for every home and lifestyle, so taking some time to think about a few elements up front can help find the ideal furever friend for you. Think about the amount of time you can dedicate to training, exercise and cuddles, and how much space you have for them to run around. You also need to consider size. Small dogs, medium pups and bigger canines all have their own needs. You may also want a dog that is hypoallergenic or doesn't shed much, or one that is super good with kids and large families.

If you adopt from a shelter or rescue organization (which you should!), consider them your guides in the process as they know their animals best, and can help you make the ideal match for everyone involved.

1 King Charles Cavalier Spaniel

With their majestic, flowing locks, friendly faces and super-calm demeanor, the AKC calls the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel a well-mannered companion. They also make great therapy dogs, if you'd like to put yours to work.

2 Basset Hound

Can you even handle those eyes? Yes, their ears do hang low and you can probably tie them in a bow, because the Basset hound is often just that tolerant. They can be stubborn and therefore tricky to train, but also love to cuddle up on the couch and lounge all day.

3 Irish Wolfhound

This gentle giant was originally bred to rid the Irish countryside of wolves, but now they spend their time lounging around like kings. Intelligent, highly trainable and sensitive to their peoples' needs, these intuitive pups make great companions.

4 French Bulldog

These adorable little alien-looking faces can often be found snoozing after a brief walk, because that's about all their short legs can handle. They tend to be quiet, calm and adaptable dogs, perfect for apartment living.


Read more in the original post: 8 Calm Dog Breeds That Are Quiet and Totally Laid-Back 

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